Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 48: Sickly and Fictional love

I got to spend the day with my baby (who is 10 1/2 and no longer likes to be called "my baby").  He had a fever so I kept him home from school.  We got to hang out a little, which was nice.  He wasn't exactly chatty, but it was nice to just be together.

Since I stayed home with him, I had to miss both of my jobs today.  Being the good recovering Catholic that I am, the guilt of missing work got the better of me and I was VERY productive!  I mopped the entire house (except the kids' bedrooms), I did 3 loads of laundry, stripped C's bed, and I spent about an hour writing.  

The writing part was the scary part for me.  Aside from the blog, I haven't been writing much.  I started a book about 5 years ago about a girl with high functioning autism.  I haven't worked on it in all that time.  I can still picture the main character and her sister and mother.  I love them.  But, I haven't worked on it in so long and I don't want to mess it up.  I'm happy with the parts I have, but not sure where to go with it.  I only wrote two pages today, but that's something, right?  

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