Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 27: Healing Love

My project today was supposed to be putting up C's swing with my hubby.  We did accomplish that, but I didn't get any pics because as we were finishing, C crashed her bike while not wearing her helmet, even though she knows the rules.  It was in her basket, which is now a mangled mess of metal.  She has cuts on her arms and back, a bump on her forehead, and her neck hurts, but otherwise she seems fine.

I hope this doesn't sound terrible, but it felt really good to be able to take care of her.  I helped her take a bath and I washed her hair for the first time in many years.  I put medicine on all her cuts and helped her get dressed. Then I gave her ice for her head and helped her lay down on the sofa.  It wasn't what I planned, but I hope she got to feel loved.

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