Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 46: Truthful Love

Satya (Truthfulness) Guided Meditation

The second yama on the yogic path is Satya.  Satya means truthfulness. 

Find a comfortable seat.  Root down into the ground and reach your crown toward the sky.  Bring your attention to your throat.  Breathe into your throat.  Exhale out any negative energy stored there.  Imagine a glowing blue light warming your throat.  Breathe into your heart with a glowing green light.  Exhale out slowly and fully, expelling any negativity from your heart.  Truth is stored in your throat and heart.  See the two lights combine and become stronger as they join. Maybe they will turn a bright turquoise.  Continue slowly breathing while you look at the beautiful light of truth you've created.

We can practice Satya, truthfulness, during yoga class.  Sometimes we try to fake a pose that we know we can’t fully do yet.  This is an example of not being truthful.  To practice Satya, be honest with yourself about where you are in your yoga journey and meet yourself there. 

We also have many opportunities to practice Satya in our daily lives.  There are many chances for us to speak our truth.  Have you ever committed to something when you knew you were already too busy?  Do you have trouble saying no?  Overcommitment often happens when we don’t speak our truth to ourselves or others about our commitments.  Imagine yourself saying no to something without making excuses or feeling guilty.  Imagine yourself honestly telling someone no. 

Breathe into your breast bone, your solar plexus.  This is the center of your personal power.  Invite in the color yellow.  Feel the warmth of sunlight in your center of power.  Say to yourself, “I am enough.”  Feel your power growing as you speak this truth. 

Breathe in as you think, “I am” and exhale as you think, “honest and truthful.” “I am…honest and truthful.” 

May you speak the truth with love as you flow through your practice today.  

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