Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 7: A Loving Home

Today, I did a bunch of little projects around the house.  I hope this shows love to my family because I'm trying to make a nice home for them.

I painted a brass light with the aqua cabinet paint I used on the back of the shelves S built for me in my office.  I outlined the glass shade to make daisy petals and I painted the thing that holds it on yellow.  I am going for a daisy look. 

Close-up of Ombre lamp shade that I dyed today ala the Paper Buttons blog.

Ombre shade on my desk next to my beautiful shelves built by S.
While I was dying the lamp shade, I also decided to dye a skirt that I had
accidentally turned pink in the wash.  It came out very pretty!

A robe hook that I hung in my daughter's (C) bathroom today

Curtain tie back that I made for C's bathroom curtains

I actually shortened these curtains for C's bathroom a couple of days ago, but I didn't
want to post them until I finished the tiebacks.

I had several other projects on my list that I ran out of time for.  Maybe Thursday?

Bonus: I came home from work last night and S surprised me by putting up a light for me.  I've moved this light to 3 houses now.  I love it.  It meant a lot to me that he did that on his own because he was thinking of me.  :-)

What projects have you worked on lately?  

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